Terms of Use


Terms Of Use

Welcome to our website.
By accessing or using our site, we assume that you agree to the terms, conditions,
notices, and disclaimers stipulated in our Terms of Use. You also agree to any
modifications, amendments, and terminations that we may make to the Terms of Use in
the future. Your compliance with the Terms of Use will be synonymous to the agreement
and acceptance of our Privacy Policy.
If any of the conditions in the Terms of Use are unenforceable or invalid, then it will be
construed with the law that governs the Terms. The remaining portion of the Terms of
the Use will still apply in full effect.
We declare that the material we provide on this website is without warranty of any kind.
We cannot assure that access to the website or its functions will remain uninterrupted or
free of errors due to the way data is stored in the server or probable malware or virus.
We do not make any representation of your access or use of the website in its
correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability, or otherwise.
General Regulations
You may use and access this website for any other purpose except the following:
1. Reproducing or using any material on the company’s website for commercial
2. Revising or changing any material on the website
3. Reproducing the material on the website to post in an external party’s website
Violating any of these stipulated rules may result in an intellectual property lawsuit.
You accept that we are not liable for any loss, damages, cost, or expenses from the
direct, indirect, or inability to use or access the website. By agreeing to our Terms of
Use, you are also relinquishing us from any claims, suits, demands, liabilities, or costs in
connection with the use of the website to the extent of the law.
If you disagree with any or all of the Terms and wish to terminate this agreement, you
may exit this website at any time.