This article is Part Two. If you haven’t read Part 1 yet, then it would be best to go over it first before reading this one. The previous article gives out four benefits of Pilates, both for the body and mind. This one starts with the fifth benefit up to the eight, and like the previous one, it also states how the exercise is useful for a person when it comes to improving their state of mind and their mental health, as well.

Benefit #5: Pilates Does Improve Your Sexual Stamina
Whenever a Pilates instructor tells a Pilates practitioner to lift their pelvic floor, they are telling the practitioner to do Kegel exercises. These Pilates training moves strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor results in an increase in pleasure during sexual intercourse. With training in Pilates, the orgasms are much better. Training in Pilates is impressive for sexual intercourse. And if the Pilates practitioner wants to have a baby, pushing a baby out is much more comfortable with strong muscles in the pelvic floor. Tracy Zindell reports that many of her Pilates students tell her that they have had very easy deliveries.
Benefit #6: Pilates improves performance In Sports like Basketball And Other Games Will
Whenever a Pilates practitioner starts concentrating on their core, they will realize that most, if not all, of their muscles, are linked through their core. For example, you would crumble down if you attempt to perform lunges, and you do not use your abdominals. This is, according to Tracy Zindell. Tracy has trained professional athletes such as Joakim Noah, who plays for the Chicago Bulls. According to Richard N. Fogoros, MD, “Pilates gets the breath and circulation moving, stimulates the spine and muscles, and floods the body with the good feelings one gets from exercising the whole body.”

A stronger core allows an athlete to run faster. If you have a stronger core, it will enable you, the yoga practitioner, to be on point. Generally, a stronger core produces improved workouts. If a Pilates student works one-on-one with an instructor or works in a small group of students, they can use moves that are similar to the movements used in the sport that they have chosen. This will improve their performance in the sport that they have chosen.
Benefit #7: Pilates Will Provide Better Flexibility For Your Body
Some people state that they cannot practice Pilates because their body is not flexible. “Pilates has been shown to moderately improve flexibility, therefore, it can improve peripheral mobility (mobility of the limbs),” William C. Shiel Jr., MD says. But people whose bodies are not flexible should be practicing Pilates. In a research study from Brazil, young women who have not practiced Pilates before gained at least nineteen percent greater flexibility in their body after doing twenty sessions of Pilates training. When you are not flexible, your muscles are shortened. This limits the range of motion of your body. It can have a negative effect on your performance when you exercise. It can even cause an injury during exercise. Pilates has been shown to moderately improve flexibility, therefore, it can improve peripheral mobility (mobility of the limbs).

Benefit #8: Pilates Will Keep Your Brain Function
The Pilates training method has been referred to as an exercise for the thinking man by Joseph Pilates, the inventor of the Pilates workout system. This could be very true. Researchers in China measured the brain activity of women who have undergone ten weeks of training in Pilates. It showed positive changes in their alpha peak power, which is connected with one’s cognitive function. Hoyte Pyle, MD, says “Pilates works the whole body in synergy.” Knowing these benefits of Pilates, from the previous article to this one, would you try doing the type of exercise?