Why You Should Try Pilates – Part 2

This article is Part Two. If you haven’t read Part 1 yet, then it would be best to go over it first before reading this one. The previous article gives out four benefits of Pilates, both for the body and mind. This one starts with the fifth benefit up to the eight, and like the previous one, it also states how the exercise is useful for a person when it comes to improving their state of mind and their mental health, as well.

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Benefit #5: Pilates Does Improve Your Sexual Stamina

Whenever a Pilates instructor tells a Pilates practitioner to lift their pelvic floor, they are telling the practitioner to do Kegel exercises. These Pilates training moves strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor results in an increase in pleasure during sexual intercourse. With training in Pilates, the orgasms are much better. Training in Pilates is impressive for sexual intercourse. And if the Pilates practitioner wants to have a baby, pushing a baby out is much more comfortable with strong muscles in the pelvic floor. Tracy Zindell reports that many of her Pilates students tell her that they have had very easy deliveries.

Benefit #6: Pilates improves performance In Sports like Basketball And Other Games Will

Whenever a Pilates practitioner starts concentrating on their core, they will realize that most, if not all, of their muscles, are linked through their core. For example, you would crumble down if you attempt to perform lunges, and you do not use your abdominals. This is, according to Tracy Zindell. Tracy has trained professional athletes such as Joakim Noah, who plays for the Chicago Bulls. According to Richard N. Fogoros, MD, “Pilates gets the breath and circulation moving, stimulates the spine and muscles, and floods the body with the good feelings one gets from exercising the whole body.”

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A stronger core allows an athlete to run faster. If you have a stronger core, it will enable you, the yoga practitioner, to be on point. Generally, a stronger core produces improved workouts. If a Pilates student works one-on-one with an instructor or works in a small group of students, they can use moves that are similar to the movements used in the sport that they have chosen. This will improve their performance in the sport that they have chosen.

Benefit #7: Pilates Will Provide Better Flexibility For Your Body

Some people state that they cannot practice Pilates because their body is not flexible. “Pilates has been shown to moderately improve flexibility, therefore, it can improve peripheral mobility (mobility of the limbs),” William C. Shiel Jr., MD says. But people whose bodies are not flexible should be practicing Pilates. In a research study from Brazil, young women who have not practiced Pilates before gained at least nineteen percent greater flexibility in their body after doing twenty sessions of Pilates training. When you are not flexible, your muscles are shortened. This limits the range of motion of your body. It can have a negative effect on your performance when you exercise. It can even cause an injury during exercise.  Pilates has been shown to moderately improve flexibility, therefore, it can improve peripheral mobility (mobility of the limbs).

Source: flickr.com

Benefit #8: Pilates Will Keep Your Brain Function

The Pilates training method has been referred to as an exercise for the thinking man by Joseph Pilates, the inventor of the Pilates workout system. This could be very true. Researchers in China measured the brain activity of women who have undergone ten weeks of training in Pilates. It showed positive changes in their alpha peak power, which is connected with one’s cognitive function. Hoyte Pyle, MD, says “Pilates works the whole body in synergy.” Knowing these benefits of Pilates, from the previous article to this one, would you try doing the type of exercise?


The Importance Of Physical Activity – 2016 Manchester Physical Fitness Event

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Want to be healthy? By just spending 30 minutes a day of physical activity or exercise will improve our health. It can make us free for some diseases which are fatal as well, and regularly doing it will improve our daily living. This was the topic discussed during the 2016 Manchester Physical Fitness Event.

Benefits Of Regular Physical Activity

Exercise can lower the risk of diseases like diabetes, some cancer, heart attack and other. It will make you physically fit, achieve stronger bones, it lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure. Active exercise can fuel you with energy. It can also make us sleep comfortably and nicely. “High levels of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness (referred to simply as “fitness” in this article) are associated with lower all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. Furthermore, physical activity can reduce the development of chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and cancer,” James McKinney, MD, MSc and co-authors wrote.

The Healthier State Of Mind

Depress and stress people tend to do some physical activities to forget a busy day or stressful events. It will lift our mood and can improve our social life, in contacting others who are exercising just like us. Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. and collaborators say, “Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, ADHD, and more. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your overall mood.”

Source: pixabay.com

Aim For At Least 30 Minutes A Day Exercise

It is recommended to commit 30 minutes per day of physical activity to prevent health problems. It may gradually increase as long as your body can handle it.

Physical Activity Guidelines

There are activity and behavior guidelines that we can look to as a reference. It said that do some exercise than nothing at all, engage our body to be active mostly all day, we can also do extreme activities that our body required, strengthening muscles are also needed at least twice a week.

See Your Doctor First

Ask first your doctor if your body is fit to do some physical activities especially when you are not that healthy. Because it will be a precaution if we are 45 years old and above if it causes us chest pain and a high chance of heart attack if it is easy for us to feel tired and of course for a pregnant woman. Doctors know the best for us, so don’t hesitate to ask. Always check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen to make sure you are medically able to participate. “Only your doctor can determine how much exercise is safe for you. Starting an exercise program that is more strenuous than you are ready for can result in injury and serious medical problems,” Grant Cooper, MD explains.

Physical activity is a necessity in achieving a healthier mind and body that can lead us to a long and prosperous life. Be fit and be healthy.


Why You Should Try Pilates – Part 1

In 2005, over eleven million people were practicing Pilates. In terms of understanding Pilates, most people belong to two groups. The first group is very enthusiastic Pilates practitioners. The second group is the people who have not even seen a Pilates studio. If you belong to the latter group, you should at least try practicing Pilates. A lot of research studies show the numerous benefits you can get from Pilates. “Pilates is now commonly described as “mindful” or a “mind-body” exercise. Its physical practice of core control and stability (or “centering”) is supported by concentration and precision coordinated by breathing,” Pirkko Markula Ph.D. explains. Below are eight benefits you can get from practicing Pilates.

Source: flickr.com

Benefit #1: Pilates Is The Best For Your Abdominals.

Pilates works out your core better than other forms of workout. In the vocabulary of Pilates, the core is referred to as the “powerhouse.” James F. Zender Ph.D. points out, “I am particularly impressed with the benefits of Pilates which improves core strength, balance, coordination, and confidence.” A research study published in the Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise journal states that the rectus abdominis of people who accomplished thirty-six weeks of training in Pilates was strengthened by approximately twenty-one percent. The rectus abdominis is the muscle that is responsible for what is known as six-pack abs. The strengthening of the rectus abdominis is achieved while the imbalances of the muscle between the left side of the core and the right side of the core are eliminated.

Benefit #2: Your Terrible Back Pain Can Be Alleviated Through Practicing Pilates.

A much improved back can result from a stronger core, according to Tracy Zindell. Tracy Zindell is the founder of Flex Pilates Chicago. Tracy is also a master instructor at Flex Pilates Chicago. A research study published in the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy states that people who suffer from chronic pain in their lower back experienced pain relief after four weeks of practicing Pilates.

Source: commons.wikimedia.org

Benefit #3: Pilates Will Not Put Too Much Pressure On Your Joints.

Training in Pilates is undemanding on the joints. Practicing Pilates involves movements that are controlled and slow. The controlled and slow movements produce impacts on the joints that are very minimal. Training in Pilates is even easier on the joints if a Pilates reformer is used. The Pilates reformer has very thick padding. The padding is as deep as ten yoga mats placed on top of each other. The very thick padding relieves the pressure from the knees and the back.

Benefit #4: Pilates Will Keep You Focused And Sharp – Even After You Are Done With Workout.

Training in Pilates forces the practitioner to concentrate on their breathing. Training in Pilates also forces the practitioner to focus on their body. And training in Pilates forces the practitioner to focus on how their body and their breathing moves together. This requires the practitioner to concentrate on their Pilates training entirely. They cannot allow their minds to wander. This means that during training in Pilates, the practitioner is not thinking about boyfriends or girlfriends, bills, work, and other concerns. That means one whole hour without any worries. Hoyte Pyle, MD, says “Pilates works the whole body in synergy.”

Source: pexels.com

Next week, we will talk about more benefits of Pilates, and as to why you should try it. Every man, woman, and child will improve their physical and mental health by doing this exercise regularly, and that means improving your chances of having a quality life. It also means wanting to increase your life span. You want to live longer. If yes, then, do Pilates.

Things You Should Know About Ski Instructors


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Who doesn’t love wearing the all-time favorite sandals and loose shorts? Everybody does, especially in the fall when the temperatures are warmer than usual all over the United States. But long the warmth is going to be, the snow – and skiing – will always come around at the end of the year. “Downhill skiing represents one of the most popular winter sports worldwide,” Martin Burtscher and collaborators wrote. If you’ve been planning to hire an instructor to help you master the art of skiing, check out a few of the things you should know about ski instructors, secrets about why they like bad weathers and how they’re paid not so great but still love to teach the young and old alike!



  • They Can’t-Wait For The Heavy Snowfalls

The weather is inevitable, but what you don’t know is that ski coaches love bad weather and just can’t wait for the frosty temperatures to come by. The heaps of snow and the cold are the skier’s dream, the great opportunity to practice their glides and slides and to see their students lining up for them to train.


Source: staticflickr.com


  • They Don’t Quite Like It When The Snowboarders Share With Their Snow

Some ski instructors do love snowboarding, but most of them try to steer clear from the snowboarder’s way, especially when they’re teaching. Snowboarders tend to crush all snow on the hills and slopes and leave the skiers with nothing but a flat surface that takes away the excitement that the students are waiting for in their lessons. Hey, snowboarders, won’t you share the mountains sometimes?


  • They Don’t Think Skiing No More Dangerous Than Any Sport

This is based on statements from a majority of ski instructors who have been teaching kids to ski. There are, of course, risks of doing it as a hobby or a sport. However, from their experience, they have not encountered serious injuries other than a concussion, a shoulder dislocation, and a broken nose or leg. According to Lynne J Warda, MD and co-authors, “Skiing and snowboarding are popular recreational and competitive sport activities for children and youth. Injuries associated with both activities are frequent and can be serious.” The worst that a ski instructor ever experienced with one of his students was a spinal fracture due to a fall on the back. There are still dangers, but they are relatively the same as with any physical activity.


  • Pay Isn’t Very Good

With good, they mean great – big dollars. Skiing may sound ‘expensive’ like the gears they use, but they pay for teaching the sport isn’t that great. Depending on their level of expertise, ski instructors get paid as low as $10 an hour for group classes (a little higher for one-on-one classes) to as high as $40 for level 4 instructors. For most of them, they admit that if not for the love of skiing, they would have looked for another job!


Source: staticflickr.com


  • They Like Teaching Kids – It Improves Their Creativity

Teaching a group of curious, eager, and noisy kids is not an easy task. Some of them are not that strong to handle a ski yet, but they’re just so persistent. Some are too energetic that they easily get bored with the activities prepared for them. What ski instructors do is to make creative games out of the moves that the students are required to learn. They also use pictures that the kids can guess by using the skiing moves. This way, they don’t feel lousy teaching the same routine.

Dr. David Eagleman, Ph.D, explains, “Trying new things increases the connections between neurons in your brain and provides perspective. Now apply this to your skiing.”

  • They Are Happy When People Win Over Their Fears When They Ski

As much as skiing is a great form of exercise and fun winter activity, it is also a way for people to overcome their phobias. Ski instructors have encountered several students who have dreamed of learning how to ski but never started earlier because they just can’t step on those skis. And part of the challenge – and joy – of their job is to be able to help these people become great skiers who have won over their fears in life. They can’t begin to explain how amazing they feel every time this happens.


“It’s not all about teaching people how to ski, but it’s also about helping them fulfill their goals and overcoming their lifetime fears.”



The Many Benefits Of Pilates – Part 2

Here are more benefits of Pilates (that you might not be aware of, but now will be):

Benefit #6: Flexibility Is Increased Through Pilates Training

Most standard exercises usually consist of motion in only one plane. Very often, this involves some form of backward and forward motion, such as in crunches. Pilates training includes movement in more than one plane. In Pilates training sessions, the spine is moved from extension to flexion and from external rotation to internal rotation. Side bending is also involved. The range of motion all over your body is increased.

Source: pixabay.com

Benefit #7: Pilates Training Is Also An Excellent Cross-Training Exercise

Some athletes, such as runners, are in danger of overuse injuries because they do not switch up their workouts. Pilates training is an excellent cross-training exercise, particularly for runners. In the running, stress is usually passed through the core. Pilates training is a fantastic workout exercise for the core. The whole range of motion of the hip joints is used in Pilates training. This improves the runner’s stride as well as the general mechanics of running. “The combination of core strength, stabilization and full range of motion in muscles and joints is what makes Pilates the training and cross-training exercise of choice for people from all walks of life,” Yvonne Taylor, MS says.

Benefit #8: Posture Is Enhanced By Pilates Training

Bad posture and hunched shoulders can be the result of sitting before a desk the whole day or regularly glancing down at a mobile phone. After some time, this can lead to imbalances in the musculature. Pilates training improves the balance and symmetry of the musculature. This assists in reversing the harmful effects of a bad posture. “It emphasizes good posture, proper breathing, body awareness, and graceful movement to better condition the body to prevent it from being prone to injury,” Alex Moroz MD, FACP and co-authors wrote. Pilates training makes you use only one muscle at a single time. Weaker muscles are isolated. Lost strength is redeveloped. And balance is created all over the body. The strengthening of the core also lets you quickly perform routine tasks daily with no pain and with better posture.

Benefit #9: Cardiovascular Endurance Is Improved By Pilates Training

Just like any other workout, the amount of aerobic benefit gained from a Pilates session will depend on the intensity of the Pilates exercises. The heart rate will be boosted and will reach the target heart rate zone with advanced Pilates moves such as the side lift and the jackknife.

Source: pixabay.com

Benefit #10: Stress Is Reduced Through Pilates Training

A Pilates session typically consists of a combination of high-intensity intervals and calming exercises. The calming exercises release tension. Concentrating on linking your movement to your breathing produces a calming effect on the central nervous system.

Benefit #11: Pilates Will Help You Sleep Better

Individuals are unlikely to have issues falling asleep if they practice Pilates. Pilates training prevents you from pondering on your concerns. It teaches you to concentrate on the present. It is similar to meditation. Pilates training assists you in re-centering yourself mentally and physically. Brett A. Dolezal and co-authors reported that, “Exercise promoted increased sleep efficiency and duration regardless of the mode and intensity of activity.”

Source: pixabay.com

Benefit #12: You Get A Good Feeling Through Pilates Training

Pilates engages the practitioner mentally. It is challenging. And it feels amazing. The progression of Pilates is limitless and steady. There will always be a new challenge. This is why practitioners find Pilates to be very rewarding.

Now that you’ve read all twelve benefits of Pilates, are you now interested in doing this powerful exercise? You don’t even have to perform it every day. Pilates experts say that you can start by doing it three times a week.